Spiritual awakening is an ongoing process of becoming a Whole Person. One who is balanced in Male and Female energy, and nurturing both themselves and those around them.
It happens as one is growing through the process of discerning truth in the world around you, and continually reaching higher and higher peaks of awareness, also known sometimes as simply “getting it”. It is what Maslow calls ‘self-actualization,’ Carl Jung calls ‘individuation,’ and other psychologists call ‘a fully functioning human being’ or ‘a complete self.’
This is both an internal and external sense of transformation that takes place, making the experience one that effects and is effected by the individual as well as all of those around you through a change in character, personal expression, and kindness that is displayed. The purpose of this article is to focus on some of the stuff that people who experience this go through.
Listed below are signs of spiritual awakening reported by those who have experienced it. It is important to note that these symptoms will eventually fade away after one adjusts to this phase of transformation.
1. Asking Questions about the world around you and the stuff that is taking place in your life.
2. Changes in sleeping patterns to suit your needs and requirements as a growing individual.
3. Stimulated sensations like random bursts of emotion that you didn’t usually feel before, such as crying during movies, feeling compassion and empathy towards those around you, changes in body temperatures, or sudden random urges to go and do something like running, swimming, or climbing a mountain.

5. Feeling pressure in different parts of the brain, such as the frontal lobes which is the male logical and thinking part, or the back of the brain which is more connected to the female, intuitive and space of connectedness.
6. The recognition of issues that have been denied, repressed, and avoided in the past and present may surface to be processed, in many cases, this may happen in relationship to someone or something, which offers opportunity for growth for everyone involved in the vibration.
7. Changes in the body like looking younger and stronger, which also goes hand-in-hand with changes in the eating habits and life style. Everything revolves around health.
8. Having personal and peak experiences where one feels at one and in peace with her/his surroundings. Having meaningful dreams and in-depth visions are not uncommon.
9. Craving more and more to break free from traditions, outdated institutional thinking, blind conformity, and useless beliefs that do not serve the greatest good of humankind… taking that craving, and turning it into action.
10. Seeing and comprehending the world in a way with deeper meanings. More and more awareness of synchronicities between the physical world and the feelings, thoughts, and energetic representation of the physical world.
11. Watching plenty of Spirit Science, and telling random strangers about it everywhere you go. (okay, that one was special just from me ^_^ )
If you feel like someone who has been through spiritual transformation or is going through one, surround yourself with peaceful, aware, positive, healthy, and supportive people and circumstances. It is extremely important to take good care of both yourself and those around you, be gentle, and pay attention to creating a shift in toxic situations and relationships.
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